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Collection Law Firm in Kansas City

Covering All of Missouri, Kansas & Iowa

We Help Creditors Recover Bad Debt

Bessine Walterbach, LLP is a small debt collection law firm representing creditors in their quest to recoup unpaid debts. Most creditors do their best to collect what they’re owed, but sometimes that’s not enough. Creditors from all over Missouri, Kansas, and Iowa have turned to us as trusted partners to collect overdue payments. When you work with us, you’re not just numbers on a spreadsheet: these are your claims and you make the calls. We simply help you through the process, with a bit of poise and grace along the way. We seek to collect your receivables in a kind, unassuming manner. We’ve heard it all, and yet we really listen every time.

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Decades of Debt Collection Experience

Our team is small, but our combined experience covers more than 90 years of representing creditors in the area. We are licensed to practice in Missouri, Kansas, and Iowa. We value integrity, accountability, communication, and trust. We understand that many debtors are going through difficult times and yet have worthy stories. We are compassionate and empathetic to all parties involved. Our goal is to help solve debt problems in a respectful, enduring manner.

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What You Can Expect Working With Our Firm

When you work with the attorneys at Bessine Walterbach, LLP, you’ll realize right away that we value the input of our clients and believe in open and ongoing communication. Despite the barriers and setbacks we may face, we are dedicated to collecting money owed to our clients. After partnering with us, we will contact the individual or business in debt. Our first step is to negotiate settlements with terms agreeable to our client and manageable for the debtor. If terms aren’t adhered to, or we’re unable to reach an agreement, we are fully prepared to take cases to court.

Learn About Our Payment Methods

Bessine Walterbach, LLP



2900 NE 60th St., Suite 150,
Kansas City MO 64119

Phone Hours
Monday – Thursday:
7:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
7:00 AM – 12:00 PM